While having WAY too many VLFs because of auto-growth is still the most common form of problem within transaction logs, another problem has been creeping up more and more… too few VLFs. If you preallocate a very large transaction log (10s to 100s of GB), SQL Server may only allocate a few VLFs – as a result, log backups will be allowed to run normally but, SQL Server only clears the inactive VLFs when you've moved into a different VLF. If your VLFs are 8GB in size, then you need to accumulate 8GB of log information before the log can be cleared…so, many of your log backups will occur normally but then one (the one that finally hits > 8GB in used size) will take quite a bit more time AND possibly cause you performance problems because it's now clearing 8GB of log information.
First, here's how the log is divided into VLFs. Each "chunk" that is added, is divided into VLFs at the time the log growth (regardless of whether this is a manual or auto-grow addition) and it's all dependant on the size that is ADDED not the size of the log itself. So, take a 10MB log that is extended to 50MB, here a 40MB chunk is being added. This 40MB chunk will be divided into 4 VLFs. Here's the breakdown for chunksize:
chunks less than 64MB and up to 64MB = 4 VLFs
chunks larger than 64MB and up to 1GB = 8 VLFs
chunks larger than 1GB = 16 VLFs
And, what this translates into is that a transaction log of 64GB would have 16 VLFs of 4GB each. As a result, the transaction log could only clear at more than 4GB of log information AND that only when it's completely inactive.
To have a more ideally sized VLF, consider creating the transaction log in 8GB chunks (8GB, then extend it to 16GB, then extend it to 24GB and so forth) so that the number (and size) of your VLFs is more reasonable (in this case 512MB).
Have fun and thanks for reading!!
BEWARE – there's a bug when growing the log in multiples of 4GB. Check out Paul's post for more information: Bug: log file growth broken for multiples of 4GB. In the end, the best amount is to allocate with a value of 8000MB instead of 8GB.