Method :1
Starting in SQL Server Management Studio, navigate to the database where your data lives in the Object Explorer.  Right click on the database name, go to Tasks, and select Generate Scripts.

The SQL Server Scripts Wizard will appear, click Next to begin.

Select the database where your data lives.  In this example I am choosing AdventureWorksDW2008.
Starting in SQL Server Management Studio, navigate to the database where your data lives in the Object Explorer.  Right click on the database name, go to Tasks, and select Generate Scripts.
The SQL Server Scripts Wizard will appear, click Next to begin.
Select the database where your data lives.  In this example I am choosing AdventureWorksDW2008.
In the Choose Script Options there are a number properties that you can tweak.  This is where the magic happens!  In order to generate insert scripts you need to set the “Script Data” property located in the “Table/View Options” group to True (by default it’s set to False). 
Select the type of objects you  want scripted.  Since we want to generate insert scripts the object type table nust be selected.
Select the tables for which you want to generate insert scripts.  Here I’ve chosen DimAccount.
Select your output option. 
Review your settings.  Notice that “Script Data” is set to True.
Let the wizard spin…
And voila!  An insert statement for each record (along with the table definition) has been generated!

Method :2

You can just run “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Publishing\1.4\SqlPubWiz.exe”.
This nifty little tool can generate INSERT script very easily. Pictures tell the story :)