SQL Server Removing unwanted characters
You can use Replace function. Suppose you want to remove the character ^ from the string
declare @str varchar(100)set @str='test^ string'select @str=replace(@str,'^','')
Select @str
But what if you have lot of characters to be removed?
You can have a seperate table that has the set of characters to be removed and use a function
You can have a seperate table that has the set of characters to be removed and use a function
--Create test data
create table #data (data varchar(100))
insert #data select 'tes^@&t %stri)-n!g' data union all
select '))aaer***********)' union all
select '&^&&hsdf()' union all
select 'jj&wk' union all
select ')hw*pa' union all
select 'No&@#$53*24,Mai()$n R--!oad'
select '))aaer***********)' union all
select '&^&&hsdf()' union all
select 'jj&wk' union all
select ')hw*pa' union all
select 'No&@#$53*24,Mai()$n R--!oad'
--Create table that has all set of characters to be removed
create table clean_chars (char_id int identity(1,1),chars char(1))
insert into clean_chars (chars)select '^' as repl union all select ')' union allselect '(' union all
select '&' union all
select '*' union all
select '%' union all
select '@' union all
select '-' union all
select ',' union all
select '#' union all
select '$' union all
select '#' union all
select '!'
--Create a function that removes all those characters from data
create function clean_data(@data varchar(100)
)returns varchar(1000)
)returns varchar(1000)
begin declare @char_id varchar(1000),@clean_data varchar(1000) set @clean_data=@data select @char_id=min(char_id) from clean_chars
while @char_id is not null begin select @clean_data=replace(@clean_data,chars,'') from clean_chars where char_id=@char_id select @char_id= min(char_id) from clean_chars where char_id>@char_id end
return @clean_data
--Run the query
select data,dbo.clean_data(d.data) as clean_data from #data as d
Removing unwanted characters - Part 2
Here is another method that uses Dynamic SQL
declare @data table (data varchar(100))
-- table that has source data
insert @data select 'tes^@&t %stri)-n!g' data union all
select '))aaer***********)' union all
select '&^&&hsdf()' union all
select 'jj&wk' union all
select ')hw*pa' union all
select 'No&@#$53*24,Mai()$n R--!oad'
select '))aaer***********)' union all
select '&^&&hsdf()' union all
select 'jj&wk' union all
select ')hw*pa' union all
select 'No&@#$53*24,Mai()$n R--!oad'
-- table that has unwanted characters
declare @clean_chars table (char_id int identity(1,1),chars char(1))
insert into @clean_chars (chars)select '^' as repl union all select ')' union all
select '(' union all
select '&' union all
select '*' union all
select '%' union all
select '@' union all
select '-' union all
select ',' union allselect '$' union all
select '#' union all
select '!'
select '(' union all
select '&' union all
select '*' union all
select '%' union all
select '@' union all
select '-' union all
select ',' union allselect '$' union all
select '#' union all
select '!'
--T-sql code that removes them
declare @replace varchar(8000),@chars varchar(8000),@sql varchar(8000)
select @chars='',@replace='',@sql=''
select @replace = @replace+'replace(', @chars = @chars+''''+chars+''',''''),' from @clean_chars
set @replace=@replace+'''~!@#'','
set @replace=@replace+substring(@chars,1,LEN(@chars)-1)
select @sql=@sql+'select '''+data+''' as old_data, '+replace(@replace,'~!@#',data)+' as new_data union all ' from @data
set @sql=substring(@sql ,1,LEN(@sql)-10)