Remove duplicate characters from a string
Here is its alternate method with Number table approach
create procedure remove_duplicate_characters(@string varchar(100))asDeclare @result varchar(100)set @result=''select @result=@result+min(substring(@string ,number,1)) from(select number from master..spt_values where type='p' and number between 1 and len(@string )) as tgroup by substring(@string,number,1)order by min(number)select @resultGO
EXEC remove_duplicate_characters 'aasssarrrty'
Count number of words in a string
Here are two more methods
1 Using the method I posted already about Squeeze Function to remove multiple spacesDeclare @s varchar(100)set @s=' See how many words this has 'Select len(string)-len(replace(string,' ',''))+1 as no_of_words from(Select replace(replace(replace(ltrim(@s),' ',' ~!@#'),'~!@# ',''),'~!@#','') as string) as t2 Using Number table approach used to Extract only numbers from a StringDeclare @s varchar(100),@result varchar(100)set @s=' See how many words this has ' set @result=''Select @s=replace(replace(replace(ltrim(@s),' ',' ~!@#'),'~!@# ',''),'~!@#','')select count(*)+1 as no_of_words from(select substring(@s,number,1) as number from(select number from master..spt_values where type='p' and number between 1 and len(@s)) as t) as twhere number=''Extract only numbers from a String
Sometimes we may need to extract only numbers from a string. Usually I see people using while loop to check each and every character to see if it is a number and extract it
Here is a different approach
Declare @s varchar(100),@result varchar(100)set @s='as4khd0939sdf78'
set @result=''
select @result=@result+case when number like '[0-9]' then number else '' end from
( select substring(@s,number,1) as number from ( select number from master..spt_values where type='p' and number between 1 and len(@s) ) as t ) as t select @result as only_numbers
( select substring(@s,number,1) as number from ( select number from master..spt_values where type='p' and number between 1 and len(@s) ) as t ) as t select @result as only_numbers
Squeeze Function
The Squeeze function is used to remove the multiple occurences of spaces into one occurence. In SQL Server there is no function to do the same. I needed to write this in my application to remove unwanted spaces in the string.Run the following and see the resultdeclare @t table(string_col varchar(100))insert into @tselect 'a b c' union allselect 'a b c' union allselect 'a b c' union allselect 'a b c' union allselect 'a b c'selectstring_col,replace(replace(replace(string_col,' ',' ~!#$^'),'~!#$^ ',''),'~!#$^','') as new_string_colfrom@tIf you use front end application (VB,.NET,jave,etc), you can also simulate the same approach thereColumn length and Data length
When you use character datatypes(char,varchar,nchar,etc),always make sure that column has enough length to have data.Otherwise sometimes you would get errors and sometimes you wont.Consider the following exampleDeclare @t table(i int, test_col varchar(2))Insert into @t select 1,'test'Select i,test_col from @tWell. You get the errorMsg 8152, Level 16, State 14, Line 4String or binary data would be truncated.The statement has been terminated.Because the column length of test_col is not enough to have the value 'test'But only when you insert data to a table, you get this error.In other cases you dontDeclare @v varchar(2)set @v='test'select @vNow there is no error but the value is truncated andonly first two characters are assigned to the variable.The same case is applied when you use a stored procedure with input parameter create procedure test(@test_param varchar(2))asSelect @test_paramGoEXEC test1 'test'Godrop procedure testNow see what happens when you dont specify the lengthDeclare @v varcharset @v='test'select @vBy default the length is 1Consider another exampleSelect cast('This has more than thirty characters' as varchar)The result is This has more than thirty charWhen you cast a literal to character type without specifying the length,by default it is 30.So you need to specify the enough column length when you use character datatypes