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Microsoft SQL Server: Get Current SQL Server Services using T-SQL(single Inst)

SQL Server service account information is stored in Windows Registry database. You can get this information from Services Console or SQL Server Configuration Manager.
To get account information from Services Console:
1. Go to Start > Run Services.msc
2. Right Click on SQL Server Service, i.e. “SQL Server (InstanceName)” and go to properties
3. The account information is available under Log On tab:
We can also get this information using T-SQL, we can use extended system stored procedurexp_instance_regread to read Windows Registry. Use below code to get information for SQL Server and SQL Server Agent Services:
DECLARE       @DBEngineLogin       VARCHAR(100)
DECLARE       @AgentLogin          VARCHAR(100)

EXECUTE       master.dbo.xp_instance_regread
              @rootkey      N’HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE’,
              @key          N’SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQLServer’,
              @value_name   N’ObjectName’,
              @value        @DBEngineLogin OUTPUT

EXECUTE       master.dbo.xp_instance_regread
              @rootkey      N’HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE’,
              @key          N’SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQLServerAgent’,
              @value_name   N’ObjectName’,
              @value        @AgentLogin OUTPUT

SELECT        [DBEngineLogin] @DBEngineLogin[AgentLogin] @AgentLogin
Result Set:
DBEngineLogin        AgentLogin

(1 row(s) affected)
We can use same registry for default and named instances as xp_instance_regread returns instance specific registry.
With SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 and above a new server related DMV sys.dm_server_servicesis available which returns information of all instance services. This view also returns additional information about each of services such as startup type, status, current process id, physical executable name. We can also query service account name using this DMV:
SELECT servicenameservice_account
FROM   sys.dm_server_services
Result Set:
servicename                                      service_account
SQL Server (SQL2012)                            .\Administrator
SQL Server Agent (SQL2012)                      NT AUTHORITY\NETWORKSERVICE
SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher (SQL2012)  NT AUTHORITY\LOCALSERVICE

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